Interview Questons - 7

1. In Profile Settings, what is difference between "Modify All Data" and "Modify All"?
A: Modify All Data: Create, Edit and Delete all organization Data, regardless of sharing settings.
Modify All: Give all(Read, Create, Add, Delete) permission to selected Object.

2. If I want record level access then what should i use from Salesforce security model?
A: Manual Sharing(Enabling "Sharing Button" at the profile level)

3. If i want Object level accesses then what should  i use from salesforce security model?
A: Profile

4. What is madatory while creating User, Role or Profile?
A: It's profile.

5. Who can run reports?
A: User with permission "Run Report" and access to report folder can only run the report.

6. What is the difference between Printable view and Export view?
A: Printable view: Formating, grouping and subtotals are persisted.
Export  View: Formating, grouping and subtotals are lost.

7. Which permission is required to set the running user other than you in dashboard?
A: "View all Data" in profile.

8. Who can access "drag and drop dashboard"?
A: User with permission "manage dashboard".

9. Which type of report can be used for dashboard components?
A: Summary and matrix report can be used to create dashboard components.

10. How much code coverage we can do for a tset Classes?
A: 75%


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